Think positively 积极思考 Think long-term 为长远打算 Educate yourself 提升自身 Manage your people well 做好团队管理 Choose margins over cost 选择边际利润而不是成本 Aim for more milk per cow 追求更高单产的目标 Feed one ration 执行同一个配方 Maintain high forage quality 保高品质的粗饲料 Keep calm 保持平静 Offer stress free housing to your dry and transition cows 为干奶牛和围产牛创造零应激的牛舍环境 Minimize fresh cow problems 尽可能减少新产牛的问题 Monitor rumination 监控反刍 Excel in the milking process 出色的挤奶流程 Create more pregnancies 创造更多的怀孕 Make each pregnancy count 让所有怀孕事件有价值 Cull strategically 战略性淘汰 Don’t skimp on cow health 舍得为奶牛健康买单 Remember the young stock 重视后备牛 Focus on your heifer repro 聚焦青年牛繁殖表现 Go for operational excellence 追求卓越的运营 Don’t forget… 不要忘记…